Saturday, 14 March 2009

So it's saturday- woop woop!
But I have to go into work for four hours. Boooooooooooooooo....
But then later on today I am going to this Comic Relief thing at my local pub in my home town. DOUBLE WOOP WOOP!
I work in a coffee house (Starbucks) by the way for extra cash as I want to fund this PGCE myself- so with the tuition fees and the rent for the year, thats about £8000. I'm pretty good with saving money though, I managed not to get into any debt for my three years at uni and still lead a decent student life-
(I can make a single pint last for about four hours- unless I'm on a piss up mission)
Though a few acting and photography jobs (I don't take photos- I was in front of the lens- muhaha) have also put lots of money towards this finacial trek of mine.
I also have to do loads of school experience for my course- like work and observe lessons in both secondary and primary schools. Not just Drama lessons either- ALL lessons.
I'm in a primary school at the moment for two weeks which is interesting as I find small clingy children rather irritating to be honest. Ho Hum.
So anyway- I'm going to work today until three, then coming home to get changed and then going back into town for a human wheelbarrow race from one pub to another one down the road.
No shit.
I feel this is illogical though (my friends and the pub landlord disagree). Why not just use REAL wheelbarrows? And then race in those? Much more fun. Because then the person sitting in the wheelbarrow can have a glass of wine whilst they are being frantically pushed down a road by some poor sod in a race with someone else who is also sitting in another wheelbarrow? Better then someone holding your ankles and then you having to walk on your hands down a cobbled road in the town center- especially if one has been previously drinking. I reckon sick buckets will come in handy this afternoon.
All for the kids in Africa. My my!
There's karoke afterwards this evening as well. My friend and I have nominated ourselves for that "Islands in the Stream" one. You know that actually-quite-catchy-but-really-a-bit-crap one? So yeah... thats my day of fun lined up.
Once more for luck:
Woop woop!

Friday, 13 March 2009

TaDa. First Post. Welcome to my crazy life!


I made a blog thingy-ma-jig at last!

I figured I 'd do one, just because everyone else seems to be enjoying doing them right now!
So here goes- sorry if this is really boring. No one will ever probably read it- It'll just be me. On my own. Chuckling at my own..err.. jokes... (?)


Err.. so I guess I'll start by just letting everyone know what I've recently gotten myself into...
So I'm 21 years old, and I've just finished my Drama Degree in London. It was a really crazy three years- awesome though. I worked my ass off and came out with a pretty decent degree I guess. And then there was all the fun, the drinking, the (various) different blokes and the partying etc!
And then it finished. Just like that. The (supposedly) best three years of my life, over. Done.

The word "Crap!" springs somewhat immediately ones mind. Serious realisation phase.
I came out of uni and all I had was this Drama Degree.
(It's basically a degree in pretending to be something you're not by the way. Yeah, I'm trained in that. A degree in "pretence"...)
In the middle of the recession.
So I'm involved with a few theatre companies and have been in many plays since I finished uni in September 2008- "Juliet" in Shakespeares "Romeo and Juliet" was probably the main one and well as five other plays with different theatre companies. I also did a little bit of filming work for the Surrey Police (or something...)- I wasn't sure what the film was actually about, I just went in and did my bit of script- they were quite secretive about it- but the film is being shown to the Chief man of Police (oh er!)- Scary! Hope Mr. Plod thinks I'm an alright(ish) actor! TeeHee! (sigh...)
I'm also in rehearsals for another play at the moment- Tom Stoppards "On The Razzle" which is pretty fun- early stages of rehearsal yet though- we're performing it in June. Though I'm getting nervous about it already.
Note to self: Learn lines. Now. No, not tomorrow. NOW.

So thats all very well- but "Acting" (as everyone knows, though nobody reminds you at uni. Bastards.) isn't the most solid of careers to say the least. Thats when I came up with this really crazy idea (I think I may have been a bit pissed)....

To teach!

Actually- I've always considered it as a possible career choice- it's not a kind of "Scape Goat" (is that what it's called?) or anything. The thought of talking about Drama and Shakespeare and the Theatre alllllllllllllll day, pleases me somewhat. Tish Tosh.
Trying to make hormonal fifteen year olds excited about Shakespeare is...... Ah.
So now you see what I've done!
After a gruelling four and a half (thats FOUR AND A HALF) hour long interview process, I (somehow) managed to get myself a place in one of the top Teacher Training Universities in London, England. (Check me out. Yeah...)
I have heard that the PGCE course (Post Graduate Certificate in Education) is one of the toughest years in a teachers life.
Which is why I intend to blog it all.
No I don't understand why either.
So you can all laugh at me when I'm crying because a thirteen year old has just thrown a chair at me. Or held a knife to my throat (apparently it's a popular accessory these days?)...
Ho hum.
I start in September 2009 by the way- but figured I'd start now in the run up to it all. As there is all this stuff I need to do for it. Plus my life is (as usual) crazy at the moment- what with my play coming up and stuff.
If there are any teachers out there though who could give me some (non-violent) advice on taming the buggers. I'd really appreciate it.
Bye for now!